Catatan Gak Jelasnya Joe~Ley

Kadang niat buat nulis itu datang kapan aja ya. Pas gue lagi di kamar mandi gue jadi pengen nulis. Memang bukan tulisan ilmiah kaya yang udah selama 1 tahun terakhir ini selalu menghiasi hidup gue, ini cuma tulisan biasa sebelum tidur.

Beberapa hari yang lalu profile picture fb gue ganti pake fotonya si TOP anggota big bang. Awalnya gue pikir itu gara-gara gue suka sama gaya dia di film I am Sam. Well, di film itu dia emang keren dan cowok banget menurut gue. Tapi ternyata gue salah, dia gak begitu keren sebenernya.. gue Cuma lagi.. yeah orang-orang bilang itu symptom dari penyakit galau.

Gue gak nyangka gue bisa nulis tulisan gak penting dan gak bermutu ini di saat minggu-minggu UAS yang seharusnya dan idealnya gue saat ini sudah menyelesaikan paper mini research sociolinguistics. Sebenernya gue pengen protes, kenapa gue gak bisa milih salah satu aja antara social atau linguistics. Susah men cari topic penelitian menarik (at least menurut gue) yang berhubungan sama dunia social dan linguistics. Yang bikin gue tertarik saat ini malah ranah linguistics dan psychology.

Ah udah, lupain soal unek-unek UAS itu. Balik lagi ke topic big bang dan kegalauan gue. Gue Cuma bisa jujur, gue galau gara-gara gak bisa move on setelah sebulan berpisah dengan cowo gue yang gak pernah ngakuin gue sebagai ceweknya selama 2 tahun berhubungan. Menyedihkan memang. Mungkin, nanti gue bakal tertawa terbahak-bahak atau pengen ngacir mengingat masalah ini. Menurut gue, penyakit kegalauan ini memalukan. Tapi tetep aja gue belum nemuin obat yang pas. Makanya, selama gue “diopname” gue liatin tuh si TOP sebagai obat penghilang rasa sakit. Haha, lucu memang. Kenapa orang beragama seperti gue malah lari nyari artis korea padahal seharusnya menemui dan mengeluh pada Tuhan.

Gak gampang ngelupain orang yang selalu ada di setiap hari gue selama dua tahun ini. Gak gampang ngelupain orang yang udah kaya bapak sendiri, kakak sendiri, temen maen, temen curhat, konsultan, dan segalanya buat gue. Yah, gak gampang. Dan justru karena itu gak gampang makanya itu jadi sangat memalukan buat gue. Karena itu sangat konyol.

Buat orang melankolis kaya gue, yang katanya tekun mengerjakan sesuatu dan selalu ingin mencapai hasil terbaik, kesulitan menyelesaikan hal yang konyol adalah hal yang cukup menginjak harga diri. Dan gue gak suka itu.

Di tulisan ini, gue egois banget yah.


Big Plan for Bigger Action

Well, I wanna begin writing again. Hopefully I can always write anything until the day I leave this earth. My writing is not really good, but at least my writing can be evidences how I live this life for myself.

I have a great dream, (at least for me it is very great). I have aimed to realize my dream since I studied in education field. I have studied there for two years, but my dream is still just a dream. I only aimed to realize, not took action to make it real. I took too long time in aiming and I just regretted it now. Thus, today I wanna start making my dream come true. I will start listing general plans that I have to go through.

Before I explain what the lists are, I wanna clarify what my dream is and why I need to dream it. My dream is re-building my lovely senior high school. Why should it be re-building school? And why should it be my senior high school? It is because I wanna make place where I had been “born” better.

Since I was school there, I found out many problems that my school had to face. Now, I cannot just sit down and see my school (implicitly) stop existing. Yeah, considering I am educator candidate and born from there, I need to do some “things”. I know it will be hard and force me to struggle, but I am sure I will enjoy that process.

My senior high school is really great school for me. I was taught many valuable lessons that probably I could not get anywhere else. It was not about science, math, English, or other courses. It was about how I should live this life aright.

I found many teachers who taught not for money but really want to “save” the students from the “darkness”. I found many smart students and potential good “leaders wanna be” studied there with lack of facilities. I found many precious things there that should be saved eventually before it has been too late.

Ok then, these are my General Plan…

Evaluating the school elements
Identifying and categorizing the school’s problems
Approximating probable solution
Taking and/ or finding some researches related with the school’s problem
Designing a draft of “re-built school” concept
Finishing the blueprint of “re-built school”
Asking for cooperation (try to work in team)
Planning the real Action for first three years, second three years, and third three years
Proposing the plan to some sides
Asking for sponsor if it is needed
Starting point of action!
Checking progress every semester
Annual evaluation
Over three years evaluation

Just say, Bismillah then..