“People who love you when you need and ask for help to them are family.”
That’s a quote I got from Oprah show. Yeah, there are a lot of people who can help us whenever we ask them, but only a family who love to do that. Let’s reflect to what happen yesterday. Were you my family? You helped me to organize it so that my dream finally happened. But, did you love to do that? Did you help me sincerely and voluntarily? I don’t know, I can never know what the real thought on others' mind and the real feeling on others' heart when they give help.
Then, I remembered about a concept of brotherhood in Islam. Muslims with other Muslims were like a body that its parts need each other. When a Muslim is in bad condition, the other Muslim will feel the same and try to help him/her. It’s more than just an empathy or sympathy. But, did what happen to us yesterday reflect the concept of brotherhood in Islam? I don’t think so. Was it because of the system and rule of our life that you can’t help me? Was the system a boundary among us?
Well, I was hurt. Really hurt. It’s not because the boundary, but because I see the way you explain the boundary. Your statement was like a slap when I was in miserable condition. You whom I thought knowing me well and knowing how I struggled, in fact chose the boundary and neglected me who begged your help.
I think we are a family, at least we are friend. But, I face the reality that I expect you too much. We are just people who stuck on a system. It’s the *ucking system that put us on vertical line where you are higher than me. It’s ok. I know and understand where I stand and how I should behave, I just expect you too much that you can be, at least, my friend.