Have you heard about thematic learning? I’ve heard about that twice. First I heard that from the elementary teacher in SDN BENHIL Jakarta Selatan when I was in school observation there. The second time is today, September 27th 2011 in principle of effective teaching and assessment (PETA) course meeting. My PETA lecturer—Ms Ine explained about that by using video. The video showed learning and teaching activities using thematic learning method. After watching the video we discussed about that in class. Here, I’d like to share my opinion about thematic learning, not explain what thematic learning is.
I think thematic learning can be effective and also ineffective depends on the learning objectives that we want to reach. If we want students to understand deeply about the certain material, I think thematic learning is not really appropriate to be used. But if we want to make an integrated learning for the students, I guess thematic learning is a good choice. Let me make a metaphor, thematic learning is like our body. All of materials are related and influenced each other and can’t be separated. But for me, integrated learning and also thematic learning is not easy to be done in class. The teacher should have a high creative and critical thinking to make thematic learning meaningful and not monotone.
Yeah, that is the important capability that should be possessed by teacher indeed. Ms Ine explained about that briefly, but I didn’t have sufficient time to write the term that Ms Ine wrote in her slide. Definitely, a teacher should know not only how to share the knowledge but also in which level his/her students are. So, the teacher can consider what material and what method that appropriate to be taught to the students. I think, that is overall briefly explanation that I got.
Besides that, there are steps that should be passed through by teacher when they want to teach. First is about preparing, like arranging a lesson plan, deciding the method, making a learning objective and so on. If I’m not wrong Ms Ine said that preparation is the most important step in teaching. The second step is teaching itself. The last step is assessment. There are many ways to assess students, but we should know which one the appropriate way to assess certain capability.
I have learnt the basic of those steps in senior high school in Ilmu Mendidik and Psychology courses. I also have practiced those steps three times (two weeks each time) in teaching practice test which is mostly implemented in outlying place of Garut. That was so tiring for me especially in making a “RPP” (like a lesson plan) step. I had to think and write (because in that place didn’t exist any computer) the lesson plan, one lesson plan for one meeting. Can you imagine how many lesson plans that I wrote? Huh… it seems to be a teacher is not easy, guys... but that shouldn’t be an obstacle for us to sharpen others’ mind and make the world brighter than before. Yeah, fighting!!!
I am a muslim, and I’m not a terrorist. I’m not kidding because my religion holds high tolerance to other. For me, when a terrorist do the terror they have ignored the meaning of tolerance. In the other words they have ignored their religion, because all of religions teach us about the tolerance. It is not only doing tolerance to other PEOPLE but also to the NATURE. For Islam, it has been proven in Al Quran and Sunnah, like in Surah Al Baqarah : 11 and Al Maidah : 5. Nevertheless, nowadays in some countries especially in my country—Indonesia, some muslim seems to have forgotten those postulates. As we know, terrorism issues are appeared on behalf of Islam. I’ll not deal with what terrorism is or why terrorist do that “crazy” thing. Here, I’ll deal with how Islam considers the tolerance (the opposite of terrorism, I think) to other religion. So, I deal with what attitudes to other religion that I must have.
A lecturer from other university has reminded me about Al Quran Surah Al Maidah : 5. In that postulate Allah allows us to live together, socialization, even He lets the Muslim (men) marries a Christian women. What do you think about that contradiction? On one side terrorist on behalf of Islam “fight” againts the Christian. On another side Allah allows us live in harmony with other faits. Actually I feel dizzy because what Allah said and what is occurred in this country is very contradictive. I hate watching the conflicts on behalf of their religion, whereas there is no religion which lets the adherent to hurt each other.
As a religious person, I should not trap in that nonsense conflict. I should do “everything” well to everyone including to adherents of other religion. But, I have to be remembered that in worship matters Allah has given some boundaries for us as a muslims. Let’s look into Al Quran Surah Al Mu’min : 66 and Surah Al Kaafiruun : 6, in both postulates we should have only one aqidah & religion. Though I should develop a good relationship with other religion, it doesn’t mean I also allow following any worship ordinance of another religion right? So that’s why I really do not agree with what ex-president of Indonesia and My lecturer did. They have ever followed another religion worship ordinance and didn’t regret that. Your religionisyoursandmy religionismine, that’s very cristal clear boundary of tolerance I think.
On September 22th-23th 2011 I got the introduction of technology and language learning (TLL) course. Everyone knows technology is very important in our life, including in teaching and learning. As we know, now we have entered to digital era where technology is a big inseparable part of our life, I think. Can you imagine what we will be now if there is no technology around us for a long time?
On another time and another course, I have discussed with class that children nowadays have been “in contact” with technology even when they have not being able to speak the language. Amazingly, they can learn and operate some kinds of technology by themselves rapidly. I think they are really great autodidactic learners.
Based on that discussion I conclude that technology has become an important part in their daily life. That conclusion agrees with what my TLL lecturer—Pak Teguh said. He reminded us that as a teacher we should not omit or keep the technology away from the students while learning and teaching process. What the teacher should do is utilizing the technology even it is their hand phone as the learning and teaching aid. If the teacher optimizes his/her creativity to use technology in learning and teaching activities, I think learning process will be more meaningful, enjoyable, efficient and effective.
Actually, I haven’t used technology in learning process in classroom while I am a senior high student. I don’t know why my school did not permit the students to bring any kind of technology. The teachers also never use technology in teaching and learning process. That is very conventional, I think. That condition makes me and my friends missed a lot of capabilities in using technology that commonly has been had by our other peers at that time. Fortunately, I have gone out from that dark past. J
Of course when I have been a teacher I’ll never let my students experience the same condition with my past. That’s why I have to prepare myself to face future era of technology. It is like what my lecturers are doing nowadays, they lead me and my friends as the teacher candidates to have capabilities in using technology. We also are expected to be able to follow and adapt the technology development in the world. I’m still in progress to be the teacher who has those capabilities. The progress is never end, because even I have been that kind of teacher I still have to learn more, right? J
After I follow Language Teaching Methods course I can summarize that teaching methods are strategies to transfer knowledge and increase students’ skill of certain field.The interesting things I got in the first two session. I just realized we can know what teaching method is by reading a poem, journal history, story or even by our experience. So, while teaching we may not only use textbook, but also other sources. Class have discussed about teaching methods. Then Ms. Vera said that there are many methods to teach, but there are no method which is better than another method. Those method itself depended on the some factors like where and when the method is practiced, class size and also the material which is taught. In the other words, we should adapt those methods with teaching situation.
I have read the Kahlil Gibran’s poem—Teaching before this course, and when I read it twice I found the amazing thought. We can give our students our knowledge, but they may not exactly accept that. The important thing is while teaching we have to give them opportunity to learn independently. I think that thought should be considered when I will teach whatever method that I will use. Moreover, when I become a teacher I want to lead them how to think critically and how to argue what they do not agree with appropriately. So by that way I think they can be an independent learner immediately. The second thought in that poem that I like is about our believing to the students. Ms. Vera said when we believe someone can do, and then they will be able to do. So, I have to believe that I can be the different teacher who can make the differences. Then, I’m sure I will be like that soon.
The last thought in that poem I like is about the position of the teacher. Kahlil Gibran explain by his stylistic sentences that teacher should be among the students. It is similar with one of our beloved patriot of education—Ki Hajar Dewantara’s thought.
Ing darsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani.I conclude by quote someone’s (I am sorry, I forget the person) word that teaching is art. It can be art in touching students’ heart, art in interacting with them, art in motivating them, art in building their creative and critical thinking, art in being role model and so on. Because of teaching is art so that is no permanent method to teach. Like Mam Luz said, even you are a teacher, you should still be yourself.
On previous Tuesday, September 20th 2011 I learned Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment (PETA) course in the first time. This course is taught by Ms Ine, the new lecturer from Kupang. I think this course is about how we should teach and assess our students effectively. My class has shared what is effective teaching. Then, after I read some books I can imagine how exactly the effective teaching is.
Effective teaching means the teacher not only transfer the knowledge to students but also can motivate them, lead them to think critically and assess them objectively. The effective teaching for me is when we can make our students become the independent students. For example, they can find out the knowledge, understand it independently and think about it critically. So as a teacher, we are as a facilitator not a centered of information for students. I am sure if the students can be an independent student, they will be more success than the other in the future. Do you agree with me?
The other characteristic of effective teaching for me is when the students who follow our class can be change better in every way. To change others is not easy, right?. That is why we have to learn how to do it well. By following this course I hope I can find out that soon. Actually I have already found one way to change other in this session. What is that? Just continue reading this article.
In this class, Ms Ine asks us to share who our inspiration is and why they inspire us. At that time, I realized that people has their own inspiration who can really affect their life. Most of my friends in class have told who their inspirations are. They might be a member of their family, the public figure, and also their previous teacher. The people who can inspire others are really great, I think. Of course I want to and I have to be like them soon. I hope next time I can inspire you all, guys.
I want to share about my inspiration. Do you know Mario Teguh? If you do not know him, just go ahead. I’m just kidding guys, I’m sure you have already known him because he is very famous. Mario Teguh is one of my inspirations. If you really do not know him, you should watch Golden Ways program in Metro TV. Then you will be inspired by him too. Please read his words,
"Setiap pribadi yang mengundang jiwa lain untuk menghormati keberadaan dan perannya dalam kehidupan ini adalah seorang guru" (Teguh, Mei 2010)
He can share well many good thought that can motivate others to become a better person. Like I said before, changing other people become a better person is one of effective teaching characteristic. I think what Mario Teguh did is like a teacher profession in class. So to become an effective teacher, I should be the inspiration for my students. I sure I will be able to be like that after I follow this course.