Our Own Teaching Method

After I follow Language Teaching Methods course I can summarize that teaching methods are strategies to transfer knowledge and increase students’ skill of certain field. The interesting things I got in the first two session. I just realized we can know what teaching method is by reading a poem, journal history, story or even by our experience. So, while teaching we may not only use textbook, but also other sources. 
Class have discussed about teaching methods. Then Ms. Vera said that there are many methods to teach, but there are no method which is better than another method. Those method itself depended on the some factors like where and when the method is practiced, class size and also the material which is taught. In the other words, we should adapt those methods with teaching situation.

I have read the Kahlil Gibran’s poem—Teaching before this course, and when I read it twice I found the amazing thought. We can give our students our knowledge, but they may not exactly accept that. The important thing is while teaching we have to give them opportunity to learn independently. I think that thought should be considered when I will teach whatever method that I will use. 
Moreover, when I become a teacher I want to lead them how to think critically and how to argue what they do not agree with appropriately. So by that way I think they can be an independent learner immediately. 
The second thought in that poem that I like is about our believing to the students. Ms. Vera said when we believe someone can do, and then they will be able to do. So, I have to believe that I can be the different teacher who can make the differences. Then, I’m sure I will be like that soon. 
The last thought in that poem I like is about the position of the teacher. Kahlil Gibran explain by his stylistic sentences that teacher should be among the students. It is similar with one of our beloved patriot of education—Ki Hajar Dewantara’s thought.

Ing darsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani. I conclude by quote someone’s (I am sorry, I forget the person) word that teaching is art. It can be art in touching students’ heart, art in interacting with them, art in motivating them, art in building their creative and critical thinking, art in being role model and so on. Because of teaching is art so that is no permanent method to teach. Like Mam Luz said, even you are a teacher, you should still be yourself.

Author : syaqifa ~ Text above is just my bothering thoughts

The text Our Own Teaching Method is published by syaqifa on Tuesday, September 27, 2011.