On previous Tuesday, September 20th 2011 I learned Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment (PETA) course in the first time. This course is taught by Ms Ine, the new lecturer from Kupang. I think this course is about how we should teach and assess our students effectively. My class has shared what is effective teaching. Then, after I read some books I can imagine how exactly the effective teaching is.

The other characteristic of effective teaching for me is when the students who follow our class can be change better in every way. To change others is not easy, right?. That is why we have to learn how to do it well. By following this course I hope I can find out that soon. Actually I have already found one way to change other in this session. What is that? Just continue reading this article.
In this class, Ms Ine asks us to share who our inspiration is and why they inspire us. At that time, I realized that people has their own inspiration who can really affect their life. Most of my friends in class have told who their inspirations are. They might be a member of their family, the public figure, and also their previous teacher. The people who can inspire others are really great, I think. Of course I want to and I have to be like them soon. I hope next time I can inspire you all, guys.
I want to share about my inspiration. Do you know Mario Teguh? If you do not know him, just go ahead. I’m just kidding guys, I’m sure you have already known him because he is very famous. Mario Teguh is one of my inspirations. If you really do not know him, you should watch Golden Ways program in Metro TV. Then you will be inspired by him too. Please read his words,
He can share well many good thought that can motivate others to become a better person. Like I said before, changing other people become a better person is one of effective teaching characteristic. I think what Mario Teguh did is like a teacher profession in class. So to become an effective teacher, I should be the inspiration for my students. I sure I will be able to be like that after I follow this course.
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